
Fishing Competition 2010

Attention guys!!! Especially to those who like fishing so much. I am going to promote our FISHING COMPETITION that will be held as per details below.

As you can see in the above picture, my company is organizing a fishing competition at the BIGGEST Dam in Sabah. FYI, this dam has the capacity of approximately 30 km2 total catchment area (WOW!) and about 21.5 K Milion litre total water storage capacity (double WOW!). And this dam is NOT open to public visit without authorization. So, grab this opportunity to fish and sight seeing at the same time.

Below is the rules and regulations for the competition.
Headnote: Rules and regulations were written fully in Malay. (No english or chinese translation available, second option = google translate it urself)..


1. Yuran pendaftaran RM50.00 seorang.

2. Terbuka kepada yang berminat dan berumur 12 tahun keatas.

3. Pertandingan ini diadakan dari jam 09.00 pagi – 2 petang. Tiada tambahan masa diberikan selepas tamat masa pertandingan.

4. Yuran penyertaan tidak akan dikembalikan jika sekiranya peserta menarik diri daripada pertandingan.

5. Kejuaraan ditentukan mengikut ikan terberat dan masa tangkapan. Jika sekiranya terdapat persamaan berat ikan, masa tangkapan adalah diambil kira bagi menentukan juara.

6. Peserta boleh menggunakan lebih dari satu joran tetapi tambahan yuran akan dikenakan sebanyak RM20.00 setiap joran yang dipasang.

7. HANYA Joran yang bertanda sahaja yang dibenarkan di sepanjang pertandingan berlangsung.

8. Peserta hanya dibenarkan memasang satu mata kail/pancing sahaja pada setiap joran yang digunakan, umpan adalah bebas dan pihak penganjur tidak menyediakan umpan semasa pertandingan dijalankan. Tidak dibenarkan menggunakan ambor (Hand Line).

9. Peserta berhak memenangi lebih daripada satu hadiah mengikut berat ikan yang layak dipertandingkan.

10. Penangkapan ikan dengan cara yang bukan kaedah memancing adalah dilarang.

11. Ikan yang dibawa mestilah segar dan dipancing semasa pertandingan.

12. Peserta dilarang memberi atau menerima ikan tangkapan dari peserta lain, dengan apa juga cara sekali pun termasuk bertukar ikan tangkapan atau joran.

13. Kaedah mencandat tidak dibenarkan. Ikan yang terkena badan tidak layak dipertandingkan.

14. Penganjur berhak meminda atau menambah syarat dan peraturan pertandingan sekiranya perlu.

15. Peserta hendaklah menjaga keselamatan di sepanjang masa pertandingan. Penganjur tidak akan bertanggungjawab di atas sebarang kemalangan atau kehilangan harta benda peserta dan sebagainya.

16. Peserta hendaklah bersama-sama menjaga kebersihan kawasan memancing dengan tidak membuang sampah merata-rata selain di tempat yang telah disediakan.

17. Peserta boleh mengemukakan bantahan rasmi (sekiranya ada) dalam masa 15 minit selepas tamat masa pertandingan dengan menyertakan wang bantahan sebanyak RM100 serta 2 orang saksi. Wang bantahan tidak akan dikembalikan sekiranya bantahan gagal atau didapati tidak benar.

18. Penganjur mengalu-alukan pemancing yang beretika serta menghormati sesama sendiri dan hak orang lain. Penganjur tidak akan bertolak ansur terhadap apa juga unsur penipuan.

19. Peserta hanya boleh mendaftar dengan satu nama sahaja.

20. Keputusan pengadil adalah muktamad. Penganjur berhak membatalkan penyertaan serta kemenangan jika terdapat penipuan atau melanggar syarat pertandingan.

21. Peserta boleh menuntut hasil tangkapan selepas pertandingan berakhir.

22. Untuk keterangan lanjut, sila hubungi :

Pantalion L. Gihol (Tuaran/Tamparuli) 088-782 123

Adrian Roy / Betsy (Kota Kinabalu) 088-233 511

Aidah Kaimin (Penampang) 088-711539 / 719006

Samat Ludin / Abd Taufik Apar (Papar) 088-913 525

23. Hadiah Pertandingan :

Juara RM1, 200.00 + Hamper

Naib Juara RM900.00 + Hamper

Ketiga RM600.00 + Hamper

24. Hadiah Sampingan :

a) Tangkapan Misteri RM100.00

b) Tangkapan Tercepat RM100.00

Untuk lebih jelas lg, mencandat atau menggunakan perambut adalah tidak dibenarkan. (Lihat gambar dibawah)
Contoh Perambut

Contoh candat

Treble hook adalah DIBENARKAN

Contoh 'treble hook'

Beside the above contact person, you all can also contact me here or in my Facebook account for any inquiries. You can also acquire the participation form from me. Just email me at or leave ur email here peeps.. I'll send u the form.

If you have no idea where on earth is Babagon dam, fret not.. find it out at google map.

For 'spirit-enhancer', I'll show u some of the pictures taken in babagon dam..



I'm a mum!!

I'm a mum!!!

- Probably what my dear aunt said when finally a baby boy was born from her womb on the 31th of August 2010.


Another male cousin for me. I guess it's genetic. Female seems rare in our family with male dominating the Bernard's grandchildren list. .

Ian Nathanael Tobitua Yapp Ket Hao, A name chosen for my dear cousin.
Ian - God is forgiving (Origin: Hebrew)
Nathanael - Gift of God (Origin : Hebrew)
Tobitua - Holy (Origin : Kadazan Dusun)
Ket Hao- Good and bring luck (Origin: Chinese)

Such a beautiful name for such a special baby. (My dad and uncle were suggesting 'Merdeka' for his name initially :P)..

Hopefully he will grow up to be as special as his name.. May God's grace and blessing be with u my dear cousin.. Amen!

Cuzzie.. Let sis teach u how to pose..hehe..

He's a boy!! :)

So cute!! My dear newly born cousin..


So much with the 'peace' pose..

When I scrolled my collection of pictures, I had come into a conclusion..My favourite pose has been the 'peace pose'.. lol..In my defense, It's not that i don't have any other good pose.. It just happen that I look 'cuter' when I did my 'peace pose'.. And oh..before any of u goes with the 'here we go again' expression - It's very important for you to know that crushing people's source of motivation is CRUEL, which in my case will be my 'cuteness'.. I hope u get what I'm trying to say. ehehe :P

Anyway, beside the 'I-look-cuter' reason, I can go for the 'I'm-a-peace no war-supporter' reason too.. Hoho.. And to proved that I'm such a peace-freak, let some of my 'cute' pictures clarify it for me.. :)

My second day at work with now ex-chemist.. Peace!

My friend was heavy!! aiyak! nevertheless.. lets peace.. :)

We are hot girls.. peace!!!

Me and my colleagues.. peace!!

I'm going for a 'boat ride'.. wehoo.. peace!!

I had lost 2 kilos and finally can wear this t-shirt at last.. peace!!

We were having a company Explorace competition ..peace!!

I have my new haircut..hehe..kawaii.. double peace!!

I had gain another kilo..*sigh* but then peace!!

I'm going to Penang for my convocation and was afraid of H1N1..peace!!

See.. I told u..This is only a part of it.. *wink*

Till finger meet keypad again..:)


Wehooo!! Ohayo mina san!Still in my bobongians' spirit, I wanted to post an entry bout our S.A.L.T hangout..

Headnote: All pictures are courtesy of Cindy and Prisca (Fizi is on leave :P)

31.07.10 - The bobongians are having a karaoke + movie hangout.
This is actually a continuation of our Taeguki-meet-the-fans-gathering (which will be posted later). Since some of our dear friends missed the first gathering, we decided to have another hangout -which turn out to be attended by the same 'handsome' and 'cute' person - with Prisca and Cindy being the new bobong recruit. Fizi and Jue couldn't make it due to personal matter.

Our fun-day started in McD with not-so-fun waiting session. Prisca was the first to come (wow..i just notice that she is such an early bird..Clap2), followed by me (always come second). We were like 'OMG, haven't meet u for years bla bla bla..".. And when Cindy come, we turned into 3 chirping-birds.. *chirp*chirp*chirp* - merely catching up and a 'lil bit' of gossiping session.. lol (pretend i never said that).. to keep story short, the guys were the late comer.. tsk tsk tsk.. As promised, I treat Don for a nice burger (which I forget the name) but also end up treating Isaac and Jadam (I know..I know..I'm too nice :P).. FYI, No pictures were taken.. We were too busy gossiping..Err.. I mean.. Eating.. Hehe..

The day continued in a karaoke room with 3 jugs of drinks and 3 'lousy' tit-bits(which make us forked more money for a not so titdy bitsy tit-bits.. DARN!). So it was 6 of us. Me,Prisca,Cindy, Don,Isaac and Jadam. Welzan and Geo cannot join us till after 6 due to work commitment.. (KETEH!)..
Needless to say, we have such a havoc karaoke session. We even have our 'aerobic session' (this seems more appropriate than 'mini clubbing'.. my parents might read this..) :P Let the pictures do the talk..

Hot 'girls' stays together.. :)
P/s : don't mind the sweat.. i told u we have our aerobic session.. :P

Say 'KEJU'!!

Pretty ladies ahoy!!

Hari ini dalam sejarah - Go karaoke singing 'dikir puteri' song..kah3..

After such a tiring karaoke session, Geo and Welzan joined us for the finale of the gathering..or so we thought (we end up closing our session in mcD).. SALT were chosen as the lucky movie to be watch by the bobongians.. IT WAS AWESOME.. Haha.. And it becomes more awesome watching it with a bunch of hilarious 'bobongs'.. We bobongians can CREATE our own version of SALT.. YES! FOR REAL! haha.. and we did a bit of SALT pose in the lift.. (I'm pretty sure those people trying to come into the lift got into 'shock-state' for a while being greeted by Don's 'rear'..) lol

SALTY us!! hoho..

Aren't we tired of mcD's?? Haha.. I guess not.. Suggesting that the 'night is still young', we end up having our supper in mcD.. Welzan was being 'unsually' kind (hehe), buying us fries (which he suggested to be cut into pieces so we can have enough for everyone).. Chit chat continued until finally i have to go home first because my dad is already there to pick me up.. (I know! I'm dad's girl) :P

The End.. Till next time.. :)



It takes two to tango
two soul move gracefully with the flow
where music floats and dance with the show
and heart beat said 'go..go..go'

It does need two to tango
But I'm not ready to dance
should I give dancing a second chance?
For they keep saying..
No pain..No gain

It's been sometimes since the last dance
I have been enjoying
being an audience
watching.. smiling..resting
U see..
the music had turns against me
I sprained my ankle last time
since then my dancing turns mime

I want to quit dancing
till finally the music turns alluring
I want to quit dancing
till finally my ankle stops hurting

It takes two to tango
but two needs to be one
so the steps won't hurt
and the move won't stop

It needs two to tango..
A right match, a perfect move - that's the way to go..
Don't tolerate with less
That's when the dance become a waste

when the missing steps finally regained..
I'll do tango again..

Debbie Annabell P.

Windbell SUngkai + Bdae Celebration

Woohoo..I had a GREAT weekend.. 28/08/10 - Me and my 'bobong' friends went to Windbell Seafood Restaurant for our sungkai plus Welzan's bday celebration (we have our reason to call ourselves a group of bobongians) :P. As usual, it was a BLAST! I think we create such a havoc atmosphere in the restaurant. lol..Prisca was the first comer.. *clap* *clap* I was stuck in the jam but finally manage to come second. Fizi come next and then the pose start.. FYI, all pictures are courtesy of Hafizi Fazli (Bobongians official photographer).

Prisca look a bit pale..Due to the previous migraine perhaps.. but this is pretty much before eating.. *wink*
The food was great! Crabs, prawn, all sorts of fish cakes and fish balls, fish, chicken (is this seafood?) and even beef (Don's favourite). Fizi was the most 'healthy' eater.. He put a lot of vegetables which also ended up eaten by me.. lol.. (tanx Fizi)..

A prove that we all such a bunch of 'herring'.. Well, excluding me..Keh3.. what initially meant to be Tomyam AND Chicken soup become chick-yam soup instead due to overflow ..:P

Me and Fizi can get enough of the leong fun drinks. Well,actually it was sort of a cocktail drink. With all sort of fruits and leong fun.. It was quite funny that me and Fizi were anticipating the refill of that drink.. hehe..

Patiently waiting for the cocktail refill.. hehe..

We have such a great time chit chatting WHILE eating..WOW! An achievement.. I wonder how we all did that.. We even finish everything on the table..well.. mostly.. I guess Welzan,Isaac and Jadam didn't finish their dessert. tsk tsk tsk.. such a waste.. They end up using it for props. Oh, bout that.. We are a bunch of camera freaks 'bobongs'..
3 'handsome' guy eating kuih with chopsticks.. (It such a torture to say those H words) :P

Geo was the most 'unfresh' one in the table. Hoho.. At least we all had our bath and not wearing the same clothes we wear in the morning..Hehe.. Luckily I didn't smell anything weird when Geo sit next to me.. Oh..Probably any odour had been neutralized by the delicious smell of our steamboat.. lol..

Geo is eating with 'passion'.. Look at his expression.. Overdose of any kind of supplement? hehe..
Cindy show up with a new haircut.. *whistle*.. looks so cute..Is it because this doctor-to-be is celebrating her 'independence' day? haha.. (she had just fin her examination btw).. But she is against a very tough competitor when it comes to 'hotness'.. Don, wearing his 'best' t-shirttttttt is looking 'hot' as well.. He looks 'tight'.. keh3..

The smoke did helped in enhancing the 'hotness'

And when the bill comes, as usual, it is the 'American-pay' style.. Rukut2.. :)

RM 279.85 for 9 person..

Needless to say.. we have such a GREAT night.. Thanks to all bobongs.. Till next gathering.. :)

The 'bobongians'.. ^_^

The hot 'chicks'.. (Including Pris's head)

We were having so much FUN!!

A special birthday wish to WELZAN SAIMON.. HAPPY 23rd BIRTHDAY!! We all love u! ^_^
The birthday boy.. May ur days be blessed with a lot of happiness..


Yehaaaa!! Agaa agaaa!!

Well well.. Finally.. New home!! I've deleted my previous blog.. New life with a new 'me', there's a need of a new blog.. Hoho.. I'm giving such a lousy reason.. Anyway, since currently, I'm in the 'cowboy-country song-cowboy boots' fever, let's yehaaaaaaaa!!!! for a new home.. Since FB existed, I have been inactively blogging.. FB keeps my life busier.. But everything good must eventually come to end for something better. *wink* :P

My point is.. I got bored with FB. So I'm back to blogging. errr.. No offence Facebookers.. I still am a Facebook freak. Merely becos it's free to connect with friends while virtually farming, cooking etc.. And I can go 'kepoh' with my bestfriends tho we are a 'South China Sea' apart.. So lets blogging until... I find something better to do.. lol.. This is soo going to be AWESOME! :)

Till finger meet keypad again.. Cheers