
I'm a mum!!

I'm a mum!!!

- Probably what my dear aunt said when finally a baby boy was born from her womb on the 31th of August 2010.


Another male cousin for me. I guess it's genetic. Female seems rare in our family with male dominating the Bernard's grandchildren list. .

Ian Nathanael Tobitua Yapp Ket Hao, A name chosen for my dear cousin.
Ian - God is forgiving (Origin: Hebrew)
Nathanael - Gift of God (Origin : Hebrew)
Tobitua - Holy (Origin : Kadazan Dusun)
Ket Hao- Good and bring luck (Origin: Chinese)

Such a beautiful name for such a special baby. (My dad and uncle were suggesting 'Merdeka' for his name initially :P)..

Hopefully he will grow up to be as special as his name.. May God's grace and blessing be with u my dear cousin.. Amen!

Cuzzie.. Let sis teach u how to pose..hehe..

He's a boy!! :)

So cute!! My dear newly born cousin..

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